Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Joy of small things

Rains stopped, after showering heavily for almost an hour, leaving roads flooded with people and water. To avoid another possible showering, everyone was trying to move faster. The pouring had stopped from above and had started from sideways now. 

Those armored with umbrella's were walking like the kings and the queens, being as rare as the kings and the queens in today's times. Not to their surprise, people were looking at them with very much respect! Unfortunately, the bikers and cars were from first world countries, so had least time and respect for them all. 

A small showering disturbed all the setting for a while, but left the road colorful, with umbrellas mushrooming in some corners. Umbrella's, though were few, all had there own identity. Those beautiful, colorful and flowery umbrella's were flaunting at the black ones; the three-folds, which came suddenly from nowhere, made the taller ones feel inferior. Sudden winds made the later ones feel bit better though. 

Those with umbrella were walking happy as it rained, while others were busy finding a hideout. Excited were the ones drenching in the rains.

And just round the corner, there were some kids. Shouting at each other in joy and playing with the water accumulated on the pavement. A simple game they were playing...kicking water at each other...one at a time...no complains...no umbrella's...not bothered about "bothering"
Just being in that moment...fully. 
Soaking, in sheer rain of joy.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Blue Mug- I

व्हेज लबाबदार... नावावरून काय वाटतं हो?
वाचताक्षणी हि एक मांसाहारी नसलेली गोष्ट असावी एवढंच वाटलं. मग हि भाजी आहे, चटणी आहे, एखादा पराठ्याचा प्रकार आहे कि एखाद्या लहानश्या आणि रुबाबदार दिसणाऱ्या अश्या शाकाहारी प्राण्याच नाव आहे
याचा घोळ काही कळत नाही. हा, पण आता एखाद्या हॉटेलात हे नाव वाचायला मिळालं तर शेवटचा पर्याय कटला याच समाधान ... अन भुकेनं व्याकूळ असताना हे नाव वाचलं तर जिभेला सुटलेल्या लाळेला हॉटेल च्या स्वयंपाक्यान चव पुरवावी एवढीच माफक अपेक्षा!

तसंच The Blue Mug हे नाव वाचून, जादा विचार न करण्यासारखी एखादी गोष्ट असावी एवढंच वाटलं मला. म्हटलं Jaguar ची कोणतीतरी नवीन उत्पादनं असतील किंवा Nescafe चा नवीन branding funda .

पण निघालं एका नाटकाचं नाव. आता मात्र झाली पंचाईत. नाटकाचा विषय काय असेल यावर विचार करता करता वैश्विक तापमान वाढीचे समुद्रावरील परिणाम किंवा यमुनेच्या निळ्या पाण्यात बुडत असलेला कॉमन वेल्थ गेम चा चषक किंवा आकाशातील पऱ्याची पृथ्वी भेट किंवा कृष्ण आणि शकुनी यामधील संघर्ष किंवा अगदीच एखाद रहस्यमय नाटक असावा असं वाटलं.
शेवटी आपला मित्र गुगळे शोध (Google search हो!! ) याच्या खांद्यावर थोडा विसावा घ्यावा म्हटलं. त्याने साथ तर दिली...पण
बरोबरीने बरेच अवजड संदर्भ सुध्धा.

कोणा एका अतुल कुमार (नक्कीच भैय्या असणार हा!) महाशयांनी लिहिलेलं व दिग्दर्शित केलेलं हे नाटक! Oliver Sack नावाच्या मेंदुतज्ञ महाशयांनी , एका टोपीमुळे (ती कुणाची होती बरं...) पती-पत्नी मध्ये झालेल्या वादावर लिहिलेला निबंध वाचून, हे नाटक लिहिलंय म्हणे कुमार साहेबांनी. (पुन्हा भैया...दुसऱ्याच्या डोक्यावर (इथे मेंदूवर!!), वादावर, पाय ठेवून, कष्ट करून, नवीन काहीतरी तयार). म्हटलं काहीतरी खिचडी असणार हि. ज्यांना खूपच भूक लागली आहे त्यांना खाऊदे हा पदार्थ म्हणून निघणारच इतक्यात म्हटलं काय काय घातलंय या The Blue Mug खिचडीत ते तरी बघावं आणि इथेच अडकलो. बरेच आवडते पदार्थ... विनय पाठक, रजत कपूर, शिबा चढ्ढा, रणवीर शोरी. म्हटलं भैयाच असेना का हॉटेल, पण वास तर मस्त येतोय आतून...चव घेऊन बघावी. आणि शेवटी साक्षात कोको उर्फ कोंकना सेन-शर्मा चं नाव!

आयला...आतापर्यंत जरा जास्तच विचार केला!
प्रत्यक्ष रंगमंचावर....अगदी समोर... सर्वाना perform करताना बघायला मिळणार याची ओढ वाढली
आणि अशा प्रकारे स्वारीचे घोडे पृथ्वी कडे वळले...

हा The Blue Mug कशाने भरलाय हे आता पाहूनच सांगेन...

Monday, November 30, 2009

All You Who Sleep Tonight

this arrangement of words reminded me of the emptiness, of my family and friends not being around at this moment...
Might have something in offer for you as well...

All you who sleep tonight
Far from the ones you love,
No hand to left or right
And emptiness above,
Know that you aren't alone
The whole world shares your tears,
Some for two nights or one
And some for all their years.

--Vikram Seth

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

an early escape ........!!!

It was a day going as usual....everything as per routine.
Had some meetings in the morning, then some discussion about project deadlines. At the end of the day i was happy --- as i was able to escape early from the office ... :)

Ok, coming back to the point...i went early at home ... with shoulders down but broad smile on face, for early escape. With usual practice elevator took me to my floor and i entered in my flat. After taking bath, i rested in front of the TV, in the hope of having some fun ... scanned the odd ones only to switched it off, after not being able to hold on a single chanel. With some EXTRA time at hand, now i thought of reading the magazing lying around. While scanning through it, i heard many voices shouting "Saurabh....Saurabh". I pipped through the window. Wow ... 10-20 children were calling their buddy Saurabh for playing.
I don't know whether Saurabh reached or not, but i was there, just with those tiny bombs of fun, within a few moments!
The moment i reached there ... gosh ... i went crazy looking some of the children playing cricket... some hiding behind cars for not to get caught first ... other one was running as fast as he can. Suddenly a few of them started cheering there buddy, who shouted "dhappa" a moment before.
Now i was like ..... throwing the bicycle away ... kicking the ball ... cheering my frnd for taking wicket ... shouting loudly for "dabba express" ... climbing on the tree to hide ... (saying mate too) ... n what not.
The noise of all these kids, requesting some aunty for allowing their lil frnd some more time to play, brought my attention from past to present. Their response to aunts words was a cheerful "yeahhhhhhhh" n all of them disappeared behind the cars. Small was the place in this multistoried appartment ... but must be an all time favourite of this gang.

More cheering was the cricket they played ... a lot fun was involved in hiding ...
memorable was the smile on their faces when aunty allowed them more fun ... zero was the effort they needed to run ... more was the fun they were getting to run ... seized was the time for them to have more n more joy ... n for me too ...

Hey! They are shouting prathamesh ... prathamesh ... prathamesh.......... let me join ...
r u coming ...